Envie de créer un weblog ?
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Avenir des weblogs


Sebastien Paquet signale une discussion très intéressante sur les blogs et le journalisme et en extrait cette remarque pleine de bon sens à propos de l'avenir des blogs formulée par Alex Halavais, enseignant à l'Université de Buffalo, :

"I suspect that over the next few years we will see a lot of calls suggesting that blogging has died, and I suspect that in a sense they will be right. The act of keeping a "Weblog" as a separate entity will become something of an anachronism. The broader world of collaborative Web publishing will continue to grow and converge with other technologies, including IM and e-mail. Imagine asking someone today if they are an "e-mailer." That question made sense, among a certain group, 15 years ago, when you weren't sure if someone had e-mail or not. I have a feeling that the production of public media -- whether in the form of Weblogs, wikis, collaboratively filtered lifelogs, or some form that I am too shortsighted to predict -- will be the moving force of a new era."
Ecrit par Crid, le Jeudi 3 Juin 2004, 09:23 dans la rubrique Infos.