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FAST propose un nouveau moteur de recherche pour les entreprise

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FAST lance FAST ESP (Enterprise Search Platform) un outil permettant de chercher dans les ressources de l'entreprise (bases de données, répertoires), dans les données de son disque dur (y compris les emails) et sur le web.
FAST ESP est proposé pour les usages suivants:

  • FAST Data Search™ for Site Search – Delivers a proven solution for high traffic sites requiring rapid accurate results, fault-tolerant deployments, continuous updating of information available from the site, and support for multiple languages for a global presence.
  • FAST Data Search™ for eCommerce – Provides sub-second, accurate responses to customer queries to maximize revenue, minimize abandonment, and increase customer satisfaction for repeat business.
  • FAST Data Search™ for Intranets – Creates and continually maintains an instantly searchable index of the entire enterprise collection of structured and unstructured data within an organization’s Intranet.
  • FAST Data Search™ for Compliance – Provides organizations a single secure access point to find and retrieve all of the collections of documents, transactions, and e-mails pertinent to help monitor, identify and surface potential violations.
  • FAST Data Search™ 360 – Presents organizations with the most complete search solution for retrieving highly relevant information from their enterprise, be it from any number of global databases, their intranet, or the Web.


Ecrit par Crid, le Mardi 27 Janvier 2004, 22:54 dans la rubrique Outils.